Based on the novel by Rachel Maddux, A Walk in the Spring Rain is a romantic drama directed by Guy Green and adapted to screenplay by Sterling Siliphant. Taking a break from New York, Libby Meredith (Ingrid Bergman) moves to a small house in backwoods Tennessee with her husband, Roger (Fritz Weaver), who is on sabbatical to write a book. Their neighbor, Will Cade (Anthony Quinn), is very helpful to them and to Libby especially. With her intellectual husband paying her little attention, she comes to like the country life and finds herself attracted to Will's rural sensibilities. Though he is married to Ann (Virginia Gregg), Will and Libby start up a middle-aged affair. Libby's daughter, Ellen (Katharine Crawford), arrives asking for help raising her son while she attends Harvard. Soon enough, Will's son (Tom Fielding) finds out about the affair and assaults Libby, leading to drastic consequences for all.