Shirley Temple's final starring film, A Kiss for Corliss is a sequel to the actress' 1945 hit Kiss and Tell. The 21-year-old Temple again stars as impulsive teenager Corliss Archer, who on this occasion harbors a crush on notorious playboy Kenneth Marquis (David Niven), who has already been to the altar many times and to the boudoir many more. So moonstruck is she by Marquis (who barely acknowledges her existence) that Corliss begins writing down her imaginary romantic trysts with him in her diary. Naturally, the book falls into the hands of Corliss' parents (Tom Tully and Gloria Holden), who believe every word...especially when Marquis, evidently hoping to teach Corliss a lesson, "verifies" that the diary speaks the truth. Our heroine tries to extricate herself from this embarrassing situation by relying on one of moviedom's oldest clichés; no mean trick, inasmuch as this film is virtually a cliché smorgasbord, albeit an enjoyable one.