This family drama features the same cast and crew from the highly successful Four Daughters, but it isn't actually a sequel. Whereas the first film was a chronicle of the Lemp family, this one centers on the Masters family. This film is also characterized by a much happier ending than its predecessor. The story begins as a wandering husband finally returns home after a 20 year absence. He is alarmed to discover that his wife is planning to marry a nice stodgy fellow who yearns only to stay in the town of Carmel, California, the story's setting. Though the errant husband is still suave and charming, his two angry daughters reject and do all they can to get him to leave their hometown. But he is not so easily swayed and despite their protests, stays until he charms them into submission. The peace doesn't last long when he sees that one of his four girls is about to marry a younger version of himself. His wife is terribly upset not only by this development, but also by the fact that she must choose between her dull-but devoted fiance and her exciting, irresponsible husband (of whom she was legally freed after he was declared dead).