In this suspense drama, a group of strangers becomes acquainted as they wait for a plane to arrive at an airport in Tangier. Among those awaiting the flight are Susan (Joan Fontaine), an American who is dating the pilot; Gil Walker (Jack Palance), an expatriate who received the Congressional Medal of Honor during the war; and Nicole (Corinne Calvet), a lovely but mysterious French woman who seems to be attracted to Walker. When the plane they've been waiting for crashes, no pilot or passengers can be found -- and that $3 million on board, being smuggled into Tangier to buy fighter planes for Soviet forces on the black market, have also gone missing. Susan immediately organizes a search party to find the pilot; Walker eagerly joins in, though Susan soon discovers he has his own reasons for being concerned about the fate of the plane and its cargo. Flight To Tangier was shot and initially released in 3-D, as well as Technicolor.
yes this movie is a good movie with a fairly good story behind it with good actors in it also I would recommend it to anyone who likes good stories on film
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