Mary (Agnes Ayres) works as a seamstress for the wealthy Mallory family to support herself and her worthless husband Steve (Clarence Burton). James Mallory (Theodore Roberts) seeks to seal a deal with millionaire oilman Nelson Rogers (Forrest Stanley). When the millionaire is left without a dinner date, Mary is recruited to take her place and charms the wealthy Nelson. Steve takes the $20 from her that Mrs. Mallory (Kathlyn Williams) had given her for her services, thinking she earned the money through prostitution. Steve kills Mary's songbird when the bird keeps him from sleeping, and Mary returns to the Mallory household. When the butler conspires with Steve to blackmail Nelson and steal some jewels, Mary screams when she is awakened by her villainous husband. Soon the butler and Steve gamble over the money. The butler is killed by Steve, and he sets his sights on eliminating Mary, but Nelson hears the scream and comes to the rescue of the troubled seamstress.