Green Hell (1940)
Posted by Charles G Carlson on Apr 4th 2022
Green Hell was delivered quickly & in good shape. I will be doing business with this company again.
Posted by Stacyart01 on Sep 29th 2019
Why this film is so hard to get a hold of and not available as a blu ray or in restored format? Sad when you consider it's pedigree. The good news is you get to see a very young Vincent Price and George Sanders is out right goofy, playing against type. The obvious comparison is to Whale's Old Dark House. GH also has a disparate group facing a common threat. ODH's pulled this off with major creep factor and stand out performances by Laughton,
Brember Wills and over the top Ernest Thesiger. GH has Fairbanks, who is okay with his jodhpurs left over from Gunga Din but most are cardboard like George Bancroft's dopey Tex. It's a hit if you like cliche unga bunga men. Plot does pick up about 3/4 of the way but what is more interesting is how many other movies were filmed on these sets. Pretty much a career killer for Whale, boo.
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