In this classic two-reel comedy from the Hal Roach Studio, blonde Thelma Todd and plain-Jane ZaSu Pitts are depressed because their cheapskate boyfriends (Billy Gilbert and Charlie Hall) refuse to take them anywhere other than the amusement park at Coney Island. Things brighten considerably when they meet a couple of sophisticated Englishmen (John Loder and Claud Allister), who invite them to -- Coney Island. Finally able to spend an evening at home, the girls answer the doorbell, only to find Laurel and Hardy inquiring if they would like to accompany them to -- Coney Island. Thelma and ZaSu respond by hurling kewpie dolls after the unlucky suitors. Stan and Ollie appeared in this comedy as a favor to their boss, Hal Roach, who sat in the director's chair.