Power Dive was the first release from Pine-Thomas Productions, marking the beginning of a long and fruitful association between Paramount Pictures and the "Two Dollar Bills," William Pine & William Thomas. The story concentrated on a group of test pilots, busily experimenting with a revolutionary all-plastic airplane. Ace flyboy Brad Farrell (Richard Arlen) is determined to prove the practicality of the new aircraft, designed by Professor Blake (Thomas Ross), father of Brad's sweetheart Carol (Jean Parker). Back on solid ground, Brad must vie for Carol's attentions with his own brother, engineer Doug Farrell (Don Castle). Comedy relief is offered by Cliff "Ukelele Ike" Edwards as Brad's chief mechanic. Though Richard Arlen and Jean Parker were hardly hot properties in 1941, Power Dive did excellent business, which critics attributed to the production knowhow of the "Two Dollar Bills".