The Lady's Not For Burning (1974)
Joseph Hardy
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Posted by Victor M. on Sep 24th 2015
I saw this production when it was first broadcast in 1974 on PBS. Over the years I have searched for it on video, but without success. Now Zeus has a copy that was made from a broadcast on Bravo. The quality of the DVD is fine. As for the performances, they are all top-quality, but it is Richard Chamberlain's acting that is the main attraction. He is an outstanding classical actor.
Posted by Unknown on Apr 28th 2015
Have been looking for this for years, since I saw it on TV. Bought the 1987 version with Kenneth Branagh, but I consider the Richard Chamberlain version to be superior. Not only is Chamberlain's acting much better, but there is a lot more dialogue: much of it seems to have been cut from the 1987 production. Fry's words are magic, and none should be lost. Chamberlain's and Eileen Atkinson's interaction is superb, and the whole play has a sparkle and energy that the later one lacks, although it is very good in its way.
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