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A Girl Must Live (1939) DVD

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A Girl Must Live (1939)


Carol Reed    


Emery Bonnet (novel),  Frank Launder 


Margaret LockwoodRenee HoustonLilli Palmer
A Girl Must Live is the philosophy of gold-digging chorus girls Gloria Lind (Renee Houston) and Clytie Devine (Lilli Palmer). Both feel that they could live most comfortably off the money inherited by the Earl of Pangborough (Hugh Sinclair) a handsome but unworldly nobleman. Despite the most strenuous efforts by Gloria and Clytie, it is sweet and demure chorine Leslie James (Margaret Lockwood) who claims the Earl as her husband. Robust comedy relief is provided by the venerable George Robey as a bibulous "sugar daddy". A Girl Must Live was one of three 1939 films directed by Carol Reed, still some distance removed from Odd Man Out, The Third Man and Oliver!.

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  1. I was glad Zeus had this title 5 Star Review

    Posted by on May 4th 2021

    This is a hard-to-find movie that I was pleased to get. The French subtitles were mildly distracting but I got used to them. (Too bad I don't speak French.) Bottom line: I like the movie and am glad to have it in my collection. Thanks Zeus!

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