Vittorio De Sica directed this sudsy romantic drama, which received punishing reviews on its initial release. Recently-divorced fashion designer Julia (Faye Dunaway) arrives in Venice from the U.S. and meets handsome race car driver Valerio (Marcello Mastroianni) at the airport. While she initially brushes off his advances, she soon has a change of heart and invites him to spend a few days with her at the villa where she'll be staying. After several days divided between lovemaking and sightseeing, a party at Julia's home turns into an orgy, and Valerio decides that he's bitten off more than he can chew and leaves her. However, Valerio soon learns that there's a reason for Julia's reckless abandon -- she is suffering from a terminal illness and has a very short time to live. Faye Dunaway and Marcello Mastroianni were romantically involved at the time Amanti was in production, though little of their personal chemistry appears onscreen.