In director Reinh Schunzel's film Rich Man, Poor Girl, the upper crust collides with the more financially unfortunate members of society. When wealthy young executive Bill Harrison (Robert Young) falls in love with Joan Thayer (Ruth Hussey), his secretary, she doesn't believe he would be able to accept her boisterous relatives. Determined to marry Joan (Hussey), Bill (Young) moves in with her family in order to prove his love for her. Though Joan's sister Helen (Lana Turner) is thrilled with the idea, Joan still has a host of reservations. During his stay, Bill learns about the struggles of the lower middle class, and eventually decides to sell his property and use the money to help fund a hospital for the poor. Convinced his feelings are genuine and his mind open, Joan agrees to marry Bill. Rich Man, Poor Girl is a remake of the 1929 film The Idle Rich