Directed by Joe Nussbaum, Sleepover revolves around one of the hallmarks of female friendship: the all-important slumber party. In hopes of shedding their not-so-cool reputations during the summer before their freshman year, best friends Julie (Alexa Vega), Hannah (Mika Boorem), Yancy (Kalli Flynn Childress), and Farrah (Scout Taylor-Compton) decide to host the sleepover of their lives. Far from a mere pillow-fight-laden girl talk-fest, this sleepover includes an intense scavenger hunt against the most simultaneously loathed and envied young women they know: the infamous "popular" clique. Along the way, the girls manage to hijack a car, sneak into clubs, engage in a first kiss, and learn more than a little bit about themselves and their capabilities -- all while evading the watchful eyes of Julie's mother.